... to a world of tobacco pipes....( A place to STOP, when you PASS ......!)
OBS: New Eban/swift!
Ebannr: DK6008158159701256 Swiftcode: VESBDK22
A large collection of old/rare and more normal pipes.
Will be updated during the Vinter/Spring
Be my guest.
At the moment I have some problem with: *How to buy* ....So please use my ordinaire mail-adress : skovbrynet2@godmail.dk or:
A Very large (1500) and lovely pipe-collection I was allowed to buy.
It will be put for sale, time after time, during this year....The pipes will be showed at the site as I found them, but every one will be cleaned/polished before sale.........Of course.....Long live LIV
UPDATED: 11-06-2021
1 DU (5103 Cumberland, Unsmoked!) .
UPDATED: 30-09-2021
4 Unsmoked S.BANG pipes (XXX: 60,61,63 and 64.)
UPDATED: 16-11-2021
6 Erik Nielsen pipes.
UPDATED: 18-10-2022
New Categori ZL 24 ZIPPO lighter
UPDATED: 6-12-2022
One Unsmoked Karsten Tarp. See XXX-pipes
UPDATED: 29-01-2023
3 XXX pipes( 2 Larrysson and one Former
UPDATED: 03-05-2023
8 XXX (Ib Berggreen)
UPDATED: 08-05-2023
20 LS (Lasse Skovgaard pipes)
UPDATED: 16-03-24
7 Werner Mummert (WM), 7 ST, 6 XXX.
UPDATED: 16-04-24
2PP, 1 SA, 1 OD
UPDATED: 06-05-24
3 XXX, 9 GJ, 8 BBB.
UPDATED: 10-05-24
3 XXX.
UPDATED: 24-11-2024
11 WM.
UPDATED: 19-12-2024
1 XXX, 1 SA, 1 BBB, 3 20.
UPDATED: 07-01-2025
1 xxx, 4 SA, 2 NØ, 3 CO, 2 OR.
UPDATED: 06-02-25
17 KT..
UPDATED: 26-02-25
1DU, 5 BBB, 6 OE.
UPDATED: 11-03-25
14 OD.
From Jason in Ireland, five handcut (beech) pipetampers.
Masterpieces, that will only become more beautiful bye useing/age.
Taperine men, traverling men.
See Accesories (A)
4 UNSMOKED S.BANG pipes! See Luxury pipes (XXX: 60, 61, 63 and 64)
Some very old, rare Peterson´s pipes, see PP!
24 CELIUS Pipes (SAC), be my Guest.
22 Bjørn Thurmann Pipes (BT)
Thanks to my customers.
For suport this homesite, my hoppy/interess/passion.
Because of Your suport, I could support: Children on the run, world wide, from their houses, contry, parrens, because of war and other Demons.
THANKS ( see photo!)
A new link has come to the site - something different..
(the page is in danish.. sorry - will be translated)